Saturday 3 September 2011

First post!

I was going to write a list of people whom I consider my heros/heroines, and then butted up against the idea that putting people on a pedestal is a shitty thing to do. To do that means we offer no room for failure and if we do that, then we fail each other. Nobody is perfect and we all grow at different paces and in different directions at different times triggered by different things. Thats one of the most beautiful things about being human.

So, instead I wrote a list.

Here's a short list of qualities I admire in others and in myself, to the extent that I embody them over a time period.

I may use this list to generate some blog posts on each point. Who knows? Stay tuned.

Knowing and communicating one's own boundaries.
The expectation of respect.
The ability to say "I don't know", "I was/am wrong", "I am sorry".
True creativity (as contrasted with the ability to recognise creativity which is its own attribute).
The ability to sit with uncertainty and not be overwhelmed.
Compassion and empathy.
A willingness to define one's own values.
The capacity to not over-identify with anything outside oneself.
The strength to ask for help.
The courage to allow oneself to be weak.
Good consent.
The capacity to accept love.
Empathy. (Yes, I said it before. I know).

What are your most admired traits, both in yourself and in others? Post in comments below.

Remembering that a trait is different than a skill. (I had "the ability to cook" listed but I edited it out, since I consider that a skill and not a trait).

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