Saturday 3 September 2011

Fat Hatred : Queer Hatred.

Here is an excellent post from Melissa McEwan at Shakesville on the subject of Fat Hatred and Eliminationism. 'Liss does an excellent job of debunking fat hatred, and in this post she links to Paul Campos who writes about how queer hatred (I don't like the word "homophobia" for a number of reasons) and fat hatred are similar.

When the science eventually catches up to the reality that fat people who are not fat as a result of disordered eating already know, the people who are putting their faces and names to this campaign will be ashamed that they ever supported such naked bigotry, such rank hostility, such victim-blaming garbage. Paul Campos, who has written extensively about the OH NOES Obesity Crisis! and debunked many of the myths surrounding fat and health, has observed that the science, conventional wisdom, and cultural narratives of obesity closely mimic the science, conventional wisdom, and cultural narratives about homosexuality a generation ago, and has pointed out parallels between the gross "reparative therapy" touted to magically make gays straight and the gross "reparative therapy" touted to magically make fatties thin.
Once upon a time, most people thought not being gay was just an issue of willpower, too. 

Here's the link to the whole article, which you should read.

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