About Esca

I'm a person with a very specific world view. I have a passion for many things but chief among them is analysing pretty much everything, including myself. I just have to understand stuff! I need to know WHY.
I spend a lot of time thinking about why things are the way they are, and I enjoy the challenge of untangling the meanings of things.
I find that not many people really understand the way I see the world, and the cultural shorthand of semiotics is always a little bent when it comes close to me. I see things differently, I interpret them differently and when I communicate I find I need to do so differently to be understood clearly.
A lot of my life is spent explaining myself to other people who assume the things I say mean what they are accustomed to them meaning and that is very often not the case.
A lot of my life is spent trying to understand other people too. I very rarely take things on "face value" and seeing beneath the surface to the currents which swirl around and motivate people is much more my skill than surfing the shallows.
If you're interested in knowing me better, reading this blog will probably give you an insight into my brain better than anything else other than a long and meaningful series of conversations.