Comment Policy

I've been around the internets for around 7 years and I've had my share of experience with douchebags and trolls, and while I'd like to think people can post constructive comments and engage in debate without being supervised like five year olds, sadly, I know this simply isn't true.
For the time being comments will remain open, however I reserve the right to close commenting completely, or limit commenting or do whatever I feel like doing at any time with no notice whatsoever.
In the mean time, commenting policy is this: Play nice in the sand pit kids. If you find yourself about to hit "post" on a vitriolic essay, just don't. I'll delete it and you'll have wasted your time. Instead, go outside, rip some weeds out of your garden or chop some wood or do whatever it is you do when you need a constructive outlet for your rage. This space isn't here for you to vent into (thats my job!)
As I go along, I will elaborate on this commenting policy as I see fit.
3 September, 2011.